Sunday, July 3, 2016

CCA to close private prison in Burlington, CO

The office of Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper confirmed that the Kit Carson prison will close at the end of July. The prison was running at a loss, and Corrections Corporatioin of America (CCA)  had requested $3 million in bailout funds for the next fiscal year. The governor's office had initially agreed and approved next year's budget to include the funds. (See previous blog post, End bailout for prison Colorado doesn't need.) However, CCA also requested an increase in the daily rate per inmate and to a guarantee of a minimum number of inmates.  The governor's office ultimately declined to renew the contract. The prison has a capacity of 1,400 inmates and is currently housing only 400.

What you can do

Write to governor Hickenlooper thanking him for closing the prison. 
Request closure of all for-profit prisons.

The loss of 142 jobs will hit the community hard. CCA will transfer some workers to other prisons, and will help other workers find new jobs.  In a statement, Governor Hickenlooper said, "We are committed to assisting the community with the impact of this closure and identifying ways to replace lost economic activity." (Denver Post, June 30, 2016)

The 400 inmates will be transferred to CCA's other two prisons in Colorado. CCA has a reputation with inmates of running the least desirable prisons in which to be housed. Informal comments heard by this blogger include complaints about ill-trained staff, bad food, incomplete attention paid to medical needs, and staff mistreating inmates.  Research by nonprofit watchdog groups include    Reports of lawsuits and prisoner abuse. 

It is well past time to end the practice of private prisons run for profit. It is a business model that requires prison population to remain high, and actively works against prison reform. Please speak out on this important issue. 

Related links

Grassroots Ledership. The Dirty Thirty: Nothing to celebrate about 30 years of Corrections Corporation of America.  (2013)