Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Castle Rock Christmas is in the Stores

It is here! We launched the album at Castle Rock Starlighting. Here is a review.

You can get the album from the Castle Rock Museum, from any of the performing groups, select Castle Rock retailers, and from iTunes.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Christ's Episcopal Church
Castle Rock Chorale
Castle Rock Community Ringers

A Castle Rock Christmas CD on iTunes,
The Star of Castle Rock ringtone,

Here are photos of the recording sessions.

I love this album. It is lovely and I can listen to it over and over again. Of course I am partial, but I am also very picky and have a demanding ear. I think you will like it too.

The groups who came together on this project did a lovely job. I am proud of the work they and we did. It was a truly collaborative project and I am grateful to everyone who participated.

Remember, proceeds support the Castle Rock Historical Society and the participating musical groups.

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