Saturday, May 26, 2018

The sound of ...


Every day I hear a symphony of birds. I notice more species here than in Colorado. Maybe it's because it's wetter here, and there are also more trees. They sing all day long and some of them sing at night.

My bedroom window is open all night and every night the audioscape is different. The first night I heard dogs barking on and off all night. The next couple of nights I heard a  puppy mournfully howling. I was so sad to hear his loneliness! The next few nights were absolutely quiet. Then I heard a few birds, or maybe frogs, bleating all night long. Last night it seemed to be the same motorcycle driving round and round the city every few minutes for a couple of hours.

Just about every block has hens, and lots of folks also have roosters. They start singing early in the morning, and they sound off all day long. The most amusing thing I’ve heard is a rooster crowing while I was getting a mange. The masseuse is just a couple of houses down the street. The weather is very nice, so everyone keeps doors and windows open. I was relaxing under her capable care, and I clearly heard the sound of a rooster talking to his buddies. I giggled internally. I wondered if it was fair to say that I hadn't lived untill I listened to a cock crowing during a massage. It gave me additional perspective on how different this city is to my own!

I don’t know the names of all the birds, I know we have doves, larks, sparrows, and crows. But there are many more which I don’t recognize. Below please see a picture from the national park which shows some of the local birds. We also have “dragon airplanes“ which are ultralights. That is, a giant kite with a motor, and a chair for the pilot. Sometimes in the evenings we see them flying overhead and I’ve seen two playing together. 

Some cities place platforms on top of the light posts, and storks build nests there. I tried to get a picture of a stork in a nest, but so far I have only gotten the nests. This picture is from our trip to Balaton last weekend.

Baja has a canal, called Sugovisza, where people go for recreation. I think it was originally built for shipping, and barges still use it. People sunbathe on the banks, and swim or boat in the canal. I swam there one summer when I was training for a triathlon. There is an island, with jogging trail around it. (You can see my route in Strava.) The island is well-covered with trees and so there are lots of birds.

The town has plenty of green spaces and parks. Two blocks away from our house is a big park where kids play soccer. It has a playground with play equipment: swings and slides and other toys. I never met a swing I didn’t like, so I’ve been swinging serval times already.

I practice imitating some of the birdsong. One day I fooled a dove into thinking there was another bird nearby. It kept flying from tree to tree overhead in the courtyard looking for me. After a bit I stopped because I didn’t want to frustrate it. 

I love all of the birds singing day and night. We have plenty back home, but not the same cacophony. I will miss them when I return. 

Hungarian birds

Stork nest

Trees on the Sugoviza

Kids playing soccer in the park

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