Saturday, August 11, 2018

Home again, home again, jiggy jigg!

I am home now in Castle Rock Colorado. I spent a week in Montana, visiting friends, and visiting my mother. My stepfather is the State Commander for the American Legion in Montana. He invited me to sing the “Star-Spangled Banner,“ at the Korean Veterans Memorial add the National Cemetery in Laurel. It was my honor to do so! I felt it was a wonderful way to come home to the United States!

Now I’m home and I am must harvest the cherries from our tart cherry trees, and work on finding a new job. The cherries are at peak of rightness, and I am learning how to make preserves. The job market is reportedly very good, so I should find something in my technical specialty.

Thank you for joining me on this trip to Europe! It was transformative for me and I hope I maintain the new ways of thinking as I move forward in my life; Keep it simple, keep it clean, always say Yes, and be flexible!

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