Friday, March 9, 2012

Dat mon cu wark

This village had more aged people than the others. We saw lots of people in their 70s and 80s. This gentleman is 83 and he works every day picking corn and beans. He must start very early in the morning because he only works till 10 am. He is a hard working man, "Dat mon cu wark." ("That man can work" in Creole). Another man came in because he had a fungus on his fingernail so he had torn it off. He wanted an antifungal and something to help his fingernail grow back. Kelly asked if it hurt and he said, "No, I am strong." He was not at all worried about his withered left arm which he has had since birth. Andy saw an 89 year old man who requested "Pastillas" for cataracts in his eyes and for his neck pain. He lives five miles from town and he walks to town. He has no family because his wife died several years ago and they had no children, so when he comes to town he has "a few" drinks he sleeps on the porch of the Water Board. It seemed most of the old men's wives had died. I suppose that after bearing and raising six or twelve children a woman's life span can be reduced.

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