Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Safely Home

Belize 2012 March
It's Tuesday morning and we have all made it safely home. Victoria left on Sunday morning, the rest of us left on Monday morning. Amelia comes home in another day, she is doing a Needs Assessment in Punta Gorda.

Last night my sweet Hubbie and Nichole's family met me, Kim and Nichole at the Denver airport. Our bags were waiting at the carousel and we were out in a flash. Kim to the north, and Nichole and I to the south. I couldn't wait to tell my husband about all the things we saw and did on the trip. So many things couldn't make it into this blog via posts made on my flip phone. For more photos see my Picasa account for Angelstreehouse1. I'll add comments to photos. 

A Big Thank You again to the Project C.U.R.E. team members: Amelia, Andy, Kelly, Kim, Nichole, and Victoria. Thank You to the La Loma Luz team: Ardis and Grant McPherson, Wilhelm, the cooks, nurses, and doctors. Thank you to Elias, our guide in Tikal, who generously lent me some money so I could purchase a piece of skillful embroidery from a Mayan artisan. Thank You to the people of Belize who came to the Clinics and trusted us to help them. God bless everyone.

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