Sunday, March 11, 2012

End of an episode

This was our last day in Belize. We focused on helping Kim prepare for job interviews. Team members took turns asking Andy's questions. Kim answered the questions and we discussed what interviewers are trying to learn about an applicant. The questions are thought-provoking and generated in-depth discussion of Kim's situation and the field of medical care. I have huge respect for these ladies, their skills, their ethics, and their commitment to excellence. It is an honor to work with every one of them. We also reviewed the work we did on the trip. We discussed cases and trends. Of concern is nutrition and lifestyle. We saw lots of issues with weight, blood pressure and diabetes. It is little use to tell a poor, overweight, person to lay off the soda pop when the water is unsafe to drink and pop is cheaper than safe water. It's the same when cookies are cheaper than bananas. It's not over for this team. We are discussing our next opportunity to serve and to make a difference...

1 comment:

  1. Angel,
    Your comment
    "pop is cheaper than water and cookies are cheaper than bananas" is too true. In Belize and here as well. We need to change this. Good, safe food should be a right for every human being.
