Friday, April 20, 2018

London Layover

I arrived safely in London. I had a nine hour layover, so decided to take the Gatwick Express train into the city. I disembarked at Victoria Station and then went for a walk. 

The English Rose café

I found the English Rose Café and had a fresh scone with clotted cream and jam and a pot of Earl Grey tea. The scone was sweet and soft and buttery with a bit of fruit, possibly current.  It was small and not much like the large, hard, scones I’ve gotten in Denver.  I walked around a little more, then took the Express back to get airport.  If you blocks that I saw were a mix of old and new architecture and you looked like what I might see in Denver. I saw three or four wine bars, sushi, Thai, Indian, and other ethnic restaurants.  It’s good to stretch my legs and get some sunshine because now I’m totally off my sleep pattern.  Next stop, Budapest Hungary. 

The English Rose Cafe

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