Monday, April 30, 2018

Shops are closed on "Shopping Day"

If I understand the language correctly, then the word for "Sunday" means "Shopping Day." So naturally when we ride out on our bikes all of the shops are closed. We go to two sweets shops before we find one that is open. Who ever heard of sweets shops closed on Shopping Day? The roads were deserted so nobody needed the non existent bicycling helmets.

We had a leisurely ride around Petőfi Island which is named after the Hungarian national poet, Sándor Petőfi. In 1484 he helped lead the revolution against Austrian rule.  He wrote the Hungarian national song, and it inspired the people to rise up. The lyrics are aggressive, and I wonder how oppressed must a people be before they rise up in revolution singing such a song.

There were no signs of revolution on Shopping Day, people rowed boats and swam in the canal (not at the same time, they are separate sets of people), sunbathed and fished. A team was serving up a carnival and blared pop music from speakers, setting a festive atmosphere. Little kids intently crashed into each other on the bumper car ride. There is a single track for jumping mountain bikes, but I didn't see any kids riding it just then. We watched the water, admired the ducks, swapped words in our languages and had a super relaxing day.

At lunch my sister-in-law discovered my weakness....French fries. Home made French fries. With creamy middles and crispy outsides, perfectly seasoned. I ate my whole serving. Then another serving. Then the remains of her serving. She said she would make lots more French fries for me. I am going to have to go for a jog every morning if this keeps up. 

In the mid morning I attended church with a family friend. I only had a near-disaster there, almost knocking the crumb catcher out of the Acolyte's hand after receiving the Host. That would be very bad because it catches any bits of Jesus which might fall from a communicant's mouth. Jesus must not fall on the floor!!! I think I remember a similar near-mishap the last time I was here. I must be more careful. It is very rude to knock Jesus down.

I told this day in reverse because I am a rebel. I fit right in.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. May 1 was May Day and it was a holiday so lots of folks were enjoying a day off. The big shops, like Tesco, were closed. But the boutiques were open. ;-)
