Friday, October 22, 2010

Country mouse and town mouse

Here we see Lisa playing with children who are waiting for an exam with Rebecca and Hope. Lisa is indispensible as our organizer with her comprehensive knowledge of running a health care facility. We have served three different populations in three different areas. The poorest was in the hills of Pamplona Alta. They were also the cleanest, with the most healthy teeth and least diaper rash of the populations. The city kids had more health problems including tooth decay. They all have parasites and respiratory illnesses. One theory is that the poorer populations do not have money for candies and sweets so their teeth are healthier. The hill kids have to run up & down the mountain to get anywhere. So they get lots of exercise every day. Lima lives under a perpetual haze of pollution, so city kids constantly breathe pollution. Whereas the haze lifts off the hills every day & the air is clearer for longer periods. Huycan is unique of the three in that no parents are concerned with flat feet.

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