Friday, October 22, 2010

Machu Picchu

This post comes from the top of Machu Picchu. The name means "Old Mountain." It was inhabited for around 150 years by the Incas and was abandoned before the Spanish came. It was a religious and administrative center. From the surrounding mountain peaks they could communicate with the city. Water came from a spring 749 meters up the mountain. Water flowed through a stone aqueduct and came out in 16 still-functioning water fountains. The Inca also installed drainage conduits to preserve the foundations from the heavy rains. There is an altar in the holiest area. They commonly sacrificed animals such as llamas. On very special occasions they would sacrafice virgins or children, but only from the royal family. The mummies were found in Argentina. We also see the Lock of the Sun. It is oriented so that the sun shines on one side all summer long. It is oriented to the seasons and emanates sacred power. It is forbidden to touch, but one may hold a hand over it and feel the power.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the brief information on Machu Picchu! Glad you made it
