Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pediatrics and physical therapy

Robin (pictured) has seen a fever and a sore throat. Lisa mixed his antibiotics using water which contained a drop of vanilla. The local nurses always mix it that way. Dr Ann Marie saw kids with parasites, skin issues and anemia. All the parents are concerned about flat feet in their children. We check, and fortunately most of them are ok. The children often begin to cry when they see the doctor, so Dr Ann Marie lets them listen to their own hearts with a stethoscope. They are transfixed. Rebecca saw only adults today, whereas yesterday she saw only children. One 70-year old gentleman is an avid soccer player. He is having hip problems which greatly reduce his mobility and ability to play. He has seen several doctors and physical therapists for relief. All they can prescribe is physical therapy. When he consulted with Rebecca she provided additional exercises for him. He was so happy he offered to make ceviche for all of us in his home tonight. We appreciated the invitation but were unable to accept.

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