Thursday, October 14, 2010

The patients

Today we saw about 40-50 patients. Common ailments are upper respiratory infections and parasites. There was one possible heart condition in a baby. Everyone was gentle and friendly. I worked mostly with Ann Marie the pediatrician upstairs in the library. We shared space with Hope and Rebecca, the physical therapists. I think the patients liked physical therapy because it is so hands-on. The moms are all serious; some kids ran around and some were somber. Several moms breast fed while waiting. We were glad because it is so good for the children. Downstairs lots of kids came for lunch. Janella (Jani) from yesterday was there and she lit up when she saw me. She wanted to sing "Pato Renato" about a duck who goes "cua cua cua." Her mother, Juana, offered for us to use the toilet at her house. This was very generous as they have outhouses which are high maintenance. We are going back to the same location tomorrow and people from different villages will come. We feel helpful.

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