Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The national radio star and the nun

The clinic administrators advertised today's clinic on the radio, it received lots of attention. Today is also International Osteoporosis Day. Therefore it made perfect sense for the media to interview one of our international doctors. Indeed, they wasted no time! At mid-morning the newspaper invited Dr Ricardo to speak on the radio. It was conducted by phone and recorded to be broadcasted again later. They introduced him as an osteoporosis expert, asked him, "what are the causes of osteoporosis?" and handed him the phone. Dr Ricardo ran with it and gave a very informative interview. We will all ask for his autograph when we get home. After work our hostess, Sister Rita, invited us to tour her convent. It was a short drive to a quiet neighborhood. The convent is unassuming behind white walls. Inside are flowers, banana trees, mulberry trees, some handsome chickens, arbors, and a cool placid, atmosphere. They case for children here, and it is fitting.

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