Monday, October 18, 2010

Help with backs and legs

This patient, Signora Benedicta, was brought in by her daughter and granddaughter. She has hypertension and a broken back. She is in constant pain, cannot speak inteligibly, and cannot sleep, even though she has pain medication. We prescribed a stronger sleep aid. She is in a wheelchair and in a very stiff back brace that looks like a corset. Her daughter and granddaughter lovingly wheel her around and carry her from chair to bed. They are obviously experienced in her care and they are dedicated to her. The general medicine group saw a variety of ailments including unexplained pain. One gentleman complained of resparatory issues, inability to sleep, and pain in his leg. As doctor and patient got to know one another we learned that his wife died a few months ago, and then the pain and other issues started. We prescribed a little pain control, but mostly physical therapy. The key was
taking time to develop a relationship and discover the root of the problem.

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