Saturday, October 16, 2010

Liz's Abscess

Friday we served around 100 patients. Dr. Ann Marie, left, had an abscess case on Friday. 3-year old Liz came in complaining of cough and a sore throat. Upon examination she also had a decayed abscessed tooth. We sent to the first clinic location for a scalpel while we waited Liz's Mom went to get her other children from school. She said she would be back in 20 minutes. Of course, that meant two hours! We held out as long as possible but had to pack up. Finally she showed up just before we left. Anne Marie insisted that we wait long enough to drain the abscess after mom returned. Then Mom helped hold Liz down and Angela applied pain killer specially improvised by Dr. Bob Barelli. The procedure was sure and swift, but resulted in a host of dirty looks from the previously joyful Liz. She still has to go to the dentist for the tooth but now she is out of pain and has some time to get the tooth pulled.

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